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日期:2021-05-04 02:35

I Adversarial Attacks 3
I-1 Projected Gradient Descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
I-2 Carlini Wagner L2 Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
II Defense of Adversarial Attack 6
II-1 Defense 1: Data Augmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
II-2 Defense 2: Towards M?dry’s adversarial training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
II-3 (BONUS) Defense 3: M?dry’s adversarial training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
IIIRepresenter Point Selection 9
III-1 Loss function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
III-2 Representer Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Before you get started You will be attacking, defending, and analyzing models trained for MNIST, the
character recognition dataset we covered in Homework 1. First copy over the mnist dataset from homework
1 (mnist.pkz). The release of this homework includes a pre-trained model in model.MNIST.h5. You can
load this model and mnist data by using the methods and classes of hw4_mnist:
import hw4_mnist
data = hw4_mnist.load_data ()
model = hw4_mnist.MNISTModel ()
Note that model here is of type HW4Model which encapsulates several aspects of a model that you will need
in this homework, including references to its input, logits, probits, and prediction tensors. You will also find
a tensorflow session in models of this type.
Visualizations The written questions in this homework include open ended hypothesis framing and ex-
perimentation. As part of these exercises, you will be asked to produce visualizations. The most convenient
method to produce them are using matplotlib from within or without a jupyter notebook. You can consult
the following links to aid you in this regard. The examples.ipynb notebook also includes several visualization
methods that can be helpful.
• https://matplotlib.org/3.2.1/tutorials/index.html – Matplotlib tutorials.
• https://ercanozturk.org/2017/12/16/python-matplotlib-plots-in-latex/ – Saving pdf using
matplotlib and including them in latex documents.
Bonuses and open ended questions The homework includes various sources of bonus points.
• Part II-3, M?dry’s adversarial training, counts as a separate bonus homework worth about 1/4 of
normal homework. It can be submitted anytime before May 5.
• We offer bonus points on this homework for finding bugs in our released solution:
[* bonus points] Find bugs in our solution. Submit them via a public Piazza post. Bonus point award
depends on severity. Only the first mention of each bug will be awarded points.
• We also offer participation grade bonus credit for coordinating with students your work on the open-
ended exercises of this homework. See the [participation bonus] notes in the exercises.. These involve
both initial public posts regarding the settings chosen for the open ended questions as well as the
post-deadline result. Please indicate in your posts whether you are using your own solutions to the
coding exercises when performing the experiments or our provided solution.
The open-ended questions give you a lot of choices in how to approach them and involve some form of
hypothesis forming, experimental design, and implementation to verify or disprove the hypotheses. The
questions do not require your hypotheses to be verified but do require your experimental design to have
a chance at addressing the hypotheses one way or another. Points will be deducted if your experimental
designs are sufficiently flawed that their outcomes can be pre-determined by a student with rudimentary
knowledge of the subject matter.
For example: Part II calls for you to compare the effectiveness of two of the defenses in that section against
an attacker of your choosing. However, if you design the attacker to have zero success rate to begin with,
you will not be able to gauge the defense effectiveness. In this case you’d likely lose all of the points
for that exercise. You should set the attack parameters to be effective to begin with. Piazza posts already
include many effective parameter settings and you can experiment yourself as well.
Starter code The starter code now includes implementations of the coding exercises. When answering
the questions in this homework that require use of the solutions to coding exercise, please indicate whether
you are using your own or the provided solution.
I Adversarial Attacks
I-1 Projected Gradient Descent
We have provided a version of the PGD attack to use in Part II of this homework as well as a general
guideline for the next attack in this section. The code can be found in hw4_part1.py.
[* bonus points] Find bugs in our solution. Submit them via a public Piazza post. Bonus point award depends
on severity. Only the first mention of each bug will be awarded points.
I-2 Carlini Wagner L2 Attack
In this part of the assignment, you will be implementing an adversarial attack of Carlini and Wagner [1],
which was covered in the lecture on Mar. 26th. Specifically, you will be implementing the L2 attack on page
9 of the paper. You will be implementing the loss function for the attack as well as the attacking procedures
to generate the adversarial image.
An adversarial attack is one of two general types: evasion(untargeted) attack, in which the goal is to fool
the model into making any incorrect prediction; or a targeted attack, in which the goal is to fool the model
into making a incorrect classification into a particular class.
The two attacks are typically similar — the primary difference being in the loss used to compute the attack:
Definition 1 (Carlini-Wagner L2 Attack in original input space). Consider an input image x and hyper-
parameter c, the Carlini-Wagner L2 attack finds a perturbation δ∗ for the following optimization problem:
minimize loss ‖δ‖22 + c · f(x+ δ)
such that x+ δ ∈ [0, 1]n
where f (x′) = max (max {Z (x′)i : i 6= t} − Z (x′)t ,−κ) (targeted attack)
f (x′) = max (Z (x′)t −max {Z (x′)i : i 6= t} ,−κ) (untargeted attack)
Z(x) is the pre-softmax output(logits) of the attacked model on x, t is the target label for targeted attack or
the correct label for evasion(untargeted) attack. Parameter κ encourages the optimization solver to find an
adversarial instance with high confidence. In this homework, you should set κ = 0.
We can see that the loss consists of two parts, the first part minimizes the perturbation, while the second
part maximizes the adversarial loss for the perturbed input. The hyper-parameter c controls how much
weight to put on either part of the loss function. In the meantime, we also have to make sure that the
adversarial image is within the valid domain between 0 and 1 (for floating point pixels). One way to realize
this is through clipping the image during the optimization process, such as in projected gradient descent
attack of Szegedy et al. [3].
In practice, clipping the input domain tends to get stuck in a flat loss region. It is common to convert
inputs into tanh space, a change of variables. Instead of optimizing over δ, we optimize over w where the
relationship between the two is the following equation:
δ =
(tanh (w) + 1)− x
This effectively clips the perturbed (adversarial) image x + δ to be valid since −1 ≤ tanh(w) ≤ 1 makes
x+δ ∈ [0, 1] automatically. With the change of variables, we get Carlini-Wagner L2 loss in tanh input space:
Definition 2 (Carlini-Wagner L2 attack loss in tanh input space).∥∥∥∥12(tanh(w) + 1)− x
+ c · f
(tanh(w) + 1)
where f is as in prior definition.
We start the gradient descent to minimize the loss function from the original image x, thus in the beginning
δ = 0. In the tanh space, that translates to w = arctanh(2x − 1), then any optimization/gradient descent
onward will happen in the tanh space over w. In the end, to get back to the input space, we need to convert
the optimized w∗ back to the input space where the resulting perturbed image x+ δ = 12 (tanh (w
∗) + 1).
Coding Exercise 1. [10 points] Implement the Carlini-Wagner L2 attack in hw4_part1.py. Most of the
glue code is already provided for you in the Attacker class. You need to only define the various tensors of
1. In the paper the author uses a binary search to find the optimal hyper-parameter c. The examples
of examples.ipynb has reasonable instantiations of parameters which you can use to get started.
Investigating hyper-parameters including this one will be part of the written homework exercises.
2. Since the optimization will be done in the tanh space, you will need to convert the starting input
images to tanh space and convert the final attacks back to [0,1] space.
[* bonus points] Find bugs in our solution. Submit them via a public Piazza post. Bonus point award depends
on severity. Only the first mention of each bug will be awarded points.
Written Exercise 2. [1 points]
What is the advantage of using f of Definition 2 compared to the common cross-entropy loss used in image
Written Exercise 3. [2 points]
The PGD attack implementation in the starter code has two methods/modes for keeping the adversarial
example close to the attacked image: clipping and projection (PGD is named after the latter mode). Describe
the difference between these two modes in terms of both implementation and the effect they have on the
resulting adversarial images. Inspecting adversarial examples produced using both modes is helpful here.
Written Exercise 4. [2 points]
The CWL2 attack has yet another means of keeping the adversarial example close to the attacked image.
What is that means and in what ways does it differ from projection in PGD? Also, what is the effect of the
difference on quantitative or your qualitative perception of distortion.
Written Exercise 5. [5 points]
Evaluate the performance of the three methods (PGD with clipping, PGD with projection, and CWL2) in
terms of success, quantitative distortion measures, and subjective (human) distortion perception.
In order to offer a fair comparison, you will have to keep as many settings as possible fixed and consistent
across methods while finding good settings for the parameters not shared by the methods. That is, the c
parameter of PGD is not comparable to either c or k parameters of CWL2 while the number of steps and the
model and instances being attacked should be identical.
Include enough information about your evaluation that it can be replicated, visualize the quantitative results,
and describe the qualitative results.
[participation bonus] In a public Piazza post, post the parameters you have found to have the best attack
performance. After the due date, post the conclusions of this exercise.
For the last exercises of this section, pick one of the three attack methods. Make a note of the method
selected in your written submission. Your answers should then be relative to your chosen method.
Written Exercise 6. [5 points]
An intriguing property of adversarial examples is that they tend to transfer from model to model; an example
that tricks one model may very well be successful at tricking another model (trained for the same task).
Investigate this possibility in one of these ways:
• (Option A) Train two MNIST models on separate disjoint subsets of the training data. Construct
adversarial examples for one of the models and evaluate their success on both.
• (Option B) Same analysis as Option A but use two different MNIST model architectures (you can use
MNISTModelRegular as the second) trained on the same data.
• (Option C) Use both different architectures and different training subsets for your two models. [2
bonus points] Bonus points available for using two wildly different MNIST models having comparable
validation accuracy.
In your written answer, state your option and answer: did the adversarial examples made for the first model
successfully fool the second? Provide the numbers/visualiations supporting your conclusion.
[participation bonus] Coordinate with your classmates. Post your choice of attack method and details of the
two models being analyzed on a public Piazza post. After the due date, post a summary of your conclusions
with regards to transferability of attacks made by the method between those two models.
II Defense of Adversarial Attack
There are many defense techniques that are under development in the community. In this part, we will be
working on defending a model against PGD attack described in [2] with two simple defending methods. We
included an implementation of the PGD attack as part of the release materials, in hw4_part1.py. We will
be building up towards M?dry’s defense but that final defense is a BONUS exercise and requires significant
additions to the classes we have provided with this homework.
II-1 Defense 1: Data Augmentation
The first approach is to use adversarial examples for training. This can be done to either finetune an existing
model or augment training data with the adversarial examples for a model trained normally, then retrain
with the combination of original data and adversarial examples from scratch.
Coding Exercise 7. [5 points] Implement the augmentation defense in the AugmentDefender class of
hw4_part2.py. You will need to implement both the finetuning and retraining from scratch modes. As part
of your implementation, please return from the defend call the set of adversarial examples generated during
the defense and their correct classes.
[* bonus points] Find bugs in our solution. Submit them via a public Piazza post. Bonus point award depends
on severity. Only the first mention of each bug will be awarded points.
II-2 Defense 2: Towards M?dry’s adversarial training
One problem with the first defense is that it might defend against the given adversarial examples, the attacks
against it might be different than the attacks on the model it was based on. To remedy this, the second
defense instead finds new adversarial examples while the training is in progress. In each batch, you will
generate a batch of adversarial examples based on the parameters of the model being trained so far. You
will use these examples as training instances instead of the normal instances.
Coding Exercise 8. [5 points] Implement the augmentation defense in the PreMadryDefender class of
hw4_part2.py. You will need to implement both the finetuning and retraining from scratch modes. As part
of your implementation, please return from the defend call the set of adversarial examples generated during
the defense and their correct classes.
[* bonus points] Find bugs in our solution. Submit them via a public Piazza post. Bonus point award depends
on severity. Only the first mention of each bug will be awarded points.
Written Exercise 9. [2 points]
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the two defense methods compared to each other?
Written Exercise 10. [5 points]
Compare the effect of two defense methods on their imparted resistance to adversarial attacks and reduction
in model accuracy (on natural examples) under equivalent conditions. That is, they should each be allotted
the same number of training steps against the same attacker. Resistance should be measured in terms of the
reduction in adversarial success rate and increase in distortion.
You will need to evaluate the chosen attacker on a dataset before defenses; run the defenses on two copies
of the attacked model; then evaluate the attacker on the defended models and same attack set again. Provide
visualizations for the results in this exercise and include enough details that your results can be replicated.
As the unit of training is a batch, make sure that the total number of batches for both defenses are identical.
[participation bonus] Coordinate with your classmates with regards to the attacker chosen, its parameters, the
defense parameters used, and other choices made. After the deadline, also post your results.
Written Exercise 11. [2 points]
In the previous exercise you made sure that the amount of training effort in both defenses is the same for
a fair comparison. Are there other reasons why the comparison might not have been fair? What else (other
than diminished attacker performance) should you consider if you need to determine which defense to deploy?
For the last exercises in this section pick one of the two defenses and one of the three attacks. You may use
same attacker as you used to answer the last exercises of the prior section.
Written Exercise 12. [5 points]
Choose an attacker and their effective parameters. Choose a defense. Compare the resistance impaired by
the defense and reduced accuracy on the dataset used in the deference vs. a separate dataset not used in
the defense. That is, you will need to inspect attacker effectiveness and model performance on two different
subsets, one of them used for defense, and the other not, both before and after defense.
Include enough details to be replicated and discuss/visualize your results. What do the results imply about
the effectiveness of the defense in the real world?
[participation bonus] Coordinate with your classmates with regards to the attacker chosen, its parameters, the
defense and parameters used, and the subsets selection made. After the deadline, also post your results.
II-3 (BONUS) Defense 3: M?dry’s adversarial training
This is a bonus exercise. It is due anytime before May 5. If you attempt this exercise, send
your solutions to the instructors before the deadline. We will also conduct an interview in
which you will need to explain your solution to earn full bonus credits. Full bonus credits
will also involve written questions in this section. Full credit will account for about 1/4 of a
homework’s worth of bonus credit.
In this part you will implement M?dry’s training described in the Lecture on April 7. Like in the previous
defense, you need to consider adversarial examples during the training process itself. As described by M?dry
et al. [2], the adversarial training can be written as a minimization problem:
ρ(θ, x, y) (1)
ρ(θ, x, y) = E(x,y)∼Dmax
L(θ, x+ δp, y)
We view maxδp∈S L(θ, x+ δp, y) as an adversarial attacker and instead of training for a loss with respect to
an instance x, the training is done with respect to an adversarially perturb instance x+ δp. The difference
between this and defense 2, however, is that here the adversarial instances are not concrete images. In terms
of tensorflow, we need to train on symbolic tensors that represent the adversarial training process which
produces adversarial examples.
Coding Exercise 13. [* bonus points]
Implement a symbolic versions of the MNIST model in the HW4MNISTModelSymbolic and PGDAttackerSymbolic
classes in the in the last parts of hw4_part2.py.
To implement the loss above, we need to solve min-max optimization, which can be divided into two steps:
1) solve inner-maximization 2) optimize the outter-minimizaiton. However, training with adversarial loss
can be much more difficult than natural loss function, therefore, in this homework, we use the following
variation that allows us to more easily train the model.
ρ(θ, x, y) = E(x,y)∼D[αL(θ, x, y) + (1− α)L(θ, x+ δ∗p , y)]
δ∗p = arg max
L(θ, x+ δp, y)
and α is a hyper-parameter that controls the trade-off between the natural loss and the adversarial.
Coding Exercise 14. [* bonus points]
Implement the variation of M?dry’s training in the MadryDefender class of hw4_part2.py.
The following are bonus written exercises about M?dry’s adversarial training. These are not part of the
normal homework submission. See instructions at the beginning of this section about the Bonus.
Written Exercise 15. [* bonus points]
Plot the natural test accuracy and adversarial test accuracy against different training epochs 2, 4, 6, 8. You
can take use of the function compare_and_show() for plotting. Use α = 0.5, p =∞, = 0.3.
Written Exercise 16. [* bonus points]
Plot the natural test accuracy and adversarial test accuracy against different α = {0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7}. Fix the
training epochs to 4. You can take use of the function compare_and_show() for plotting. Use p = ∞,
= 0.3.
Written Exercise 17. [* bonus points]
Plot the natural test accuracy and adversarial test accuracy against different = {2/255, 4/255, 8/255, 16/255}.
Fix the training epochs to 4. You can take use of the function compare_and_show() for plotting. Use p =∞,
α = 0.5.
Written Exercise 18. [* bonus points]
True or False and why: The original Madry’s training is a certified robustness defense that the following
statement holds for all training points x ∈ Dtrain
f(x) = f(x+ ) if ||||p < δp (2)
where δp is the maximum allowed perturbation in `p space used by the PGD attack during the training. Why
or why not?
Written Exercise 19. [* bonus points] (Super Bonus)
Derive the certified robustness guarantee δp in `p space for a linear classifier y = w>x+b, y = 0 if w>x+b < t
and 1 otherwise. A certified robustness is a Ball B(x, δp) centered at x with radius δp that y = y′ for if
||x′ − x||p < δp. Find δp to determine the Ball. Why this may be not easy for a neural network?
III Representer Point Selection
In this part, you need to understand Yeh et al. [4]1 and finish the following questions related to the paper.
The paper introduced the interpretability of neural networks which can help to identify if a training point is
excitatory or inhibitory for predicting a given test point.
From the given input training points X to corresponding labels Y, we consider a neural network as our
prediction model which takes the form of:
yˆi = σ(Φ(xi,Θ)) (3)
where Θ are all the parameters of the neural network model and σ is the activation function after last layer
in the model. The goal is to understand to what extent does one particular training point xi affect the
prediction yˆt of a test point xt as well as the learned weight parameters Θ.
The parameters are separated to Θ1 and Θ2 which represent parameters used in the last intermediate layer
and all the parameters used to generate the output before last layer, respectively. In our case the last layer
is a softmax activation. We assume that the intermediate output before last layer is fi. As a result, the
whole model can be represented into two parts:
• from input xi to intermediate output fi: fi = Φ2(xi,Θ2).
• from fi to output Φ(xi,Θ): Φ(xi,Θ) = Θ1fi.
III-1 Loss function
Notice that the representer point framework assumes models are trained to a stationary point with an L2
regularizer on the post-features parameters Θ1:
Θ∗ = arg min
L(xi,yi,Θ) + λ‖Θ1‖22 (4)
However, the starter MNIST model does not use regularization at all!
Coding Exercise 20. [5 points] Create a version of the starter MNIST model that keeps track of the features
layer f and features an L2 regularizer on the parameters that produce the final output from the features. You
need to do this in the MNISTModelRegular class of hw4_part3.py.
[* bonus points] Find bugs in our solution. Submit them via a public Piazza post. Bonus point award depends
on severity. Only the first mention of each bug will be awarded points.
III-2 Representer Points
One we have a suitably setup and trained model, we can determine the impact of each training point on
a target instance, as described by Theorem 3.1 of [4]. We will experiment with the sum in that theorem
composed of a set of terms, the representer values k(xt, xi, αi) and importance coefficients αi. Here xt is the
target instance being explained and xi are training instances. The representer values are a product of the
importance coefficients with target/train instance feature similarity fTi ft.
Coding Exercise 21. [5 points] Implement the feature similarity value, training instance importance coefficient
value, and representer point value computations in the Representer class of hw4_part3.py. These should
be done in the three methods similarity, coefficients, values.
[* bonus points] Find bugs in our solution. Submit them via a public Piazza post. Bonus point award depends
on severity. Only the first mention of each bug will be awarded points.
As mentioned in the source paper and implemented by you, the dot product between feature vectors fi, ft
of two instances is a measure of similarity between them as "seen" by relatively deep point in a network.
We could also consider the same measure on the input images themselves. Let xˆ def= x‖x‖2 be the normalized
version of x. Given flat inputs xi and xt, both of shape [784], we can view xˆTi xˆt, or the dot product between
their normalized versions, as a measure of their similarity in the input space.
Written Exercise 22. [4 points]
Determine whether MNIST instances of the same class are more similar to each other in their input space or
more similar to each other in the feature space of an MNISTModelRegular model with non-zero λ parameter.
There are many options on how to approach this but be careful to not compare the similarity measurements
in the two spaces to each other as they are not expected to have the same units or magnitude.
An example approach is outlined below:
• For any instance i of class c of the training set, find the top 10 most similar training instance as
measured by input space similarity or feature similarity.

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